Thursday, March 8, 2012

First death panels for old people, now birth panels for babies

Bachmann Warns: Feds Could Use Budget to Limit Number of Babies Born per Family

Bachmann then described what she sees as a plausible and disturbing scenario. She began with her summary of the position expressed by the HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius — that the government should cover contraceptives because it is less expensive than pregnancy to the federal government.

“Going with that logic,” Bachmann says, “It isn’t far fetched to think the President of the United States could say…we need to save health care expenses…the federal government will only pay for one baby to be born in the hospital per family. Or two babies to be born per family. That could happen.”

He's already gotten away with death panels for old people. Now Hussein the Health Care Dictator wants birth panels for babies so families will be limited to two children. Anyone who gets pregnant more than twice will be forced to get an abortion. Once he gets away with forced pre-birth abortion, he'll require forced post-birth abortion - making families with more than 2 children to kill the excess children off. Well, he won't be killing any of MY children off! (Well, he can have Caleb. I don't want any gay children making me look bad.)

Hail Michele Bachmann for alerting everyone to this! She is a true patriot and it will be people like her who keep Hussein from turning America into Communist Red China.

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